該配套包含1包500g雞肉乾、1包500g豬肉乾、2罐150g猪肉絲,3包Bak-Off、1包精美紅包,和1袋精美環保袋。 我來也真空包裝豬肉乾的最佳食用期限為30日/1個月, 請查詢包裝上最佳適應期限日期(如發現真空包裝未能完全封存,請不要食用該肉乾,並立即聯絡客服以跟進相關事宜) 該配套不符合我來也2021年精美贈品條規。需符合條規*

This bundle included 1 pack of 500g chicken dried meat, 1 pack of 500g pork dried meat, 2 can 150g pork floss, 3 packs of Bak-Off, 1 pack of generic ang pow, and 1 premium reusable bag. Oloiya vacuum packed dried meat is best consumed within 30 days / 1 Month, please refer to our product packaging for best consumed date. If vacuum pack is loose, please contact our customer service. Above bundle are not entitle to Oloiya CNY 2021 premium giveaway guideline. *T&C Applied*